There are many benefits of high pressure misting systems. Especially when you’re in the middle of an extremely hot period and you’re trying to use misting to cope with heat waves. They even have some surprising benefits that most people don’t think of.
However, there is one concern that a lot of homeowners have when they start looking at misting systems as solutions to the summer heat.
Since a misting system requires water to work, there’s a concern about how much water will be used. That’s a concern for numerous reasons we’ll talk about shortly.
Today, the team at aerMist is going to walk you through some of the most common concerns, explain how misting systems work, and help you determine if a misting system uses too much water for your situation.
The Difference Between Misting Systems
First and foremost, we have to differentiate between the misting systems on the market. There are some inexpensive misting systems that you can easily find online, and those will skyrocket your water bill, waste tons of water, and generally be a negative experience in every way. We’re not talking about those misting systems.
However, there is another type of misting system known as a “high pressure misting system” that utilizes advanced design aspects to use water in a dramatically different fashion and maximize the benefits of the unit. These are the types of misting systems we’re talking about. They’re the best options available, and they provide the most benefits for the price.
How Much Water Do High Pressure Misting Systems Use?
This is a statistic that is subject to a lot of different variables. In general, a high pressure misting system uses far less water than you’d think.
A high pressure misting system’s entire design philosophy is that it will use minimal water to spread that small amount of water over a large surface area. This is done by pressurizing a small amount of water and spraying it forcefully throughout the misting system and out of nozzles with exceptionally small holes. This pushes out such a small amount of water over a large area that the water instantly evaporates and cools the air without getting anything wet.
In theory, that means that your high pressure misting system will use a very small amount of water, and you won’t have to worry about any noticeable changes to your bills, environmental impact, or the general waste of resources.
However, there are some things to consider.
1: How Often You Operate the Misting System
Even though a high pressure misting system uses a very small amount of water at a time, it can still have a noticeable impact if you have it running constantly all year round.
This isn’t an issue for the average homeowner, though. Across the United States, the majority of the year won’t require you to operate your misting system, and typically, you’ll only use it for a specific reason. Such as hosting a party on your deck, controlling the humidity in your greenhouse or garden, or trying to neutralize pests and unpleasant smells.
So, unless you turn it on and never turn it off, you’re highly unlikely to notice a noticeable change in your water usage.

2: The Settings You Use for Your Misting System
Most high-end misting systems can be adjusted. If you put it in the highest setting, you will likely use more water than you think.
This is common sense, and most homeowners will only set it to meet their needs, but if you adjust your misting pump to produce more mist, you will use more water. If you do this all the time, you can see a noticeable increase in your water usage.
However, even if you max out your pump and force as much water as possible into the air, you’ll still use far less waterthan you would with a traditional sprinkler-style “misting system”.
3: Local Water Costs
This isn’t directly related to how much water you’re using. However, if your local water costs go up, which is possible due to a variety of factors, even the slightest use of water outside of normal uses will make a noticeable difference.
So, it might be worth watching the rate for your local water companyand cutting back on usage if it has gone up temporarily. Still, the overall usage of water is so small that this typically isn’t a major issue.
Benefits You Get for the Added Costs
In general, the added costs of installing a high pressure mister are negligible. Outside of special situations, which we’ve highlighted already, your misting system will use very little water, and you won’t notice too much of a difference.
In fact, they typically only cost between $30 and $100 annually. Spread out over an entire year, most homeowners won’t even notice the increase in costs from a financial standpoint. Even environmentally, it’s a very small impact.
However, even if that small impact concerns you, the benefits outweigh the costs.
First, a high pressure misting system can lower the temperature of an outdoor area by up to 20 F. That’s noticeable enough to feel like an air-conditioned environment in many cases.
Then, it helps reduce unpleasant smells and insects because the water particulates, while not noticeable to you, weigh down bugs and scent particles to the point they fall to the ground.
Is a High Pressure Misting System Worth it?
For the average consumer, the main concern will be higher water bills due to running a misting system. While it may raise the question of misters using a lot of water, the reality is that their water usage is relatively minimal, especially when considering their efficiency.
For some, the environmental impact might seem like a concern. To determine if it’s worthwhile for you, you really have to consider how much you gain.
Compared to the major benefits we listed above, the cost of a misting system, both financially and environmentally, is exceptionally small. It’s a very efficient system, and you’re not wasting much at all. For most homeowners, it’s well worth the minor expense.
However, you do need to buy a good one. So, contact aerMist today to find the right misting system for you.