Misting systems can be broken down into three core components. There’s the tubing system lined with misting nozzles that create the mist, inlet water supply & filtration, and the pump. They’re not overly complicated pieces of equipment.
Now, your tube lines and nozzles are fairly simple items to maintain, and your water supply only needs periodic filter replacement unless you happen to need new plumbing, but one part of your misting system will create major problems if you don’t properly maintain it.
We’re talking about the misting pump.
The pump is what takes the water in from your supply line, pressurizes it, and forces it through your mist tubing hard enough to create a very fine mist. As such, it’s a fairly complicated piece of gear.
Today, we’re going to cover each of the misting pump maintenance tasks you need to stay on top of to keep your misting pump working like new.
Let’s get started.
1: Oil Change
Misting pumps are kind of like a car engine. They rely on oil to keep their parts moving without wear, and that oil goes through a lot of use over the course of just a single season. As such, you need to change the oil in your misting pump regularly.
Luckily, it’s not that difficult.
Unlike a car, your misting pump isn’t running 24/7 every day of the year. At most, you probably keep it on during the hot season to keep plants hydrated or cool down your outdoor patio. So, the misting pump won’t wear out its oil non-stop, and you certainly don’t need to take it to any fancy service to get the oil changed.
No, all you need to do is buy the appropriate oil for your specific misting pump. This differs by brand, but if you’re using an aerMist pump, you can simply purchase it from our webstore.
Then, you will need to empty the oil reservoir completely and add new oil.
On aerMist pumps, this is extremely simple. There’s nothing complicated to worry about.
On top of that, it doesn’t need to be done often. We recommend replacing the oil in your misting pump about every 300 - 500 running hours, or for most people, when you get ready to reinstall your misting system for the season.
This is one of the most important parts of misting system maintenance. Luckily, just 15 minutes of work per year will keep your misting system running without issues for a long time.
2: Change the Filter
The water coming out of your water supply is not exactly the best water you can get. Municipalities load it down with chemicals to keep it clean and safe; it comes with a lot of fine sediment; and, with most municipalities, a lot of dissolved calcium. In either case, you end up with harsh water.
That isn’t the best stuff to be spraying all over your plants or your skin. Also, it can cause major problems for the nozzles in your misting system. If calcium or fine sediment in your water supply builds up in nozzles, they’ll clog, and you might not ever get them back to the quality they were when you bought them.
If you have an aerMist misting system, or at least a misting system from a decent supplier, regardless, the system will come equipped with a filter that helps reduce these problems.
The filter will passively block minerals and debris in your water supply from entering the tubing system and nozzles. This extends the misting system’s lifespan dramatically.
However, you’ll need to replace it each season if you use it thoroughly. This is a simple job. Most simply slide out or only require screws to remove, and then you slide the new one in. No big deal.
3: Check for Hardware Failure
Every pump has a lifespan. As it ages, important parts will start to develop wear and tear until they eventually break. That’s true for any mechanical item. Luckily, your misting pump will last for years.
You do need to perform regular checks to prevent problems, though. Check each part of the pump for excessive rust, wear and tear, and other issues. While the pump is on, listen for any strange noises that can suggest a hardware failure or other problems. Then, resolve it if you can, or take your pump to a qualified repair professional.
4: Catch the Leaks
Your misting pump has two fluids moving around in it constantly. Obviously, there’s the water that it’s filtering and pressurizing to push through your misting system. However, there’s also the oil that we talked about earlier. Just like any system that uses liquids, either of those two fluids can spring leaks in every part that they flow through. If that happens, your entire misting system can suffer.
This is why it’s important to frequently check your misting pump for leaks of any kind. Since your pump stays away from the misting system itself, it shouldn’t have puddles or moisture on it unless it just rained.
Maintain Your Pump for Longer Service
If you follow these very simple misting pump maintenance steps, your pump will last for an extraordinarily long time. It works frequently, but it’s not as complex as mechanical equipment. However, neglecting these simple steps can have serious consequences.